The Akron Probate Lawyers at Laybourne Law LLC have over 30 years of Probate and Estate Planning experience.
Our firm provides exceptional legal representation in all aspects of probate and estate planning, including will preparation, trusts, powers of attorney, health care powers of attorney, living wills, estate administration, probate administration and will contests.
At Laybourne Law LLC, our clients have come to expect prompt and attentive service from our Probate Attorneys. Moreover, our firm is dedicated to providing this service in the most cost effective manner possible. Contact us today to schedule a FREE consultation and to see how our experience can help you.
The Akron Probate and Estate Planning Attorneys at Laybourne Law LLC
provide services in the following probate and estate planning areas:
- Estate Planning
- Will preparation
- Avoiding Probate
- Trust preparation
- Power of Attorney
- Health Care Power of Attorney
- Living Will
- Estate Administration
- Probate Administration
- Will Contests
- Tax Advice
- Guardianships